Dire Straits Complete
The complete guide of official recordings by Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler
Mark Knopfler
Album related: Comfort And Joy
Originally released on: Music From The Film Comfort And Joy (UK, Vertigo DSTR 712, Vertigo 880 122-1)
Category: B-side
Track Length: 2:26
Notes: Comfort And Joy soundtrack also appeared on the 1986 Argentinian release that combined the Extended Dance EPlay and Comfort & Joy (Vertigo 830497-1). Going Home CD-Single (Europe, Vertigo VERCD 91, Vertigo 862 869-2) is the only CD available with this song. It was released after Screenplaying soundtrack compilation in 1993. As no Comfort And Joy tracks were included on Screnplaying, its tracks were used as bonus songs for a couple of CD Singles. The other singles being the mega rare Irish Boy CD Single (Germany, Vertigo 858 579-2) and 1994 Dire Straits´ Ticket To Heaven CD Single (Europe, Vertigo 858 875-2)